Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/ Modem - 66
Computer freezes
when modem dials
1 Mac OS 9: Extensions are in conflict or the Mac OS is
corrupted. Enable only the Mac OS files in Extensions
Manager and any modem drivers needed.
2 If the problem persists, reinstall the system software
Modem is having
trouble connecting to
online site
1 International only: Use the Modem Country Selector utility to
make sure the modem is set to the correct country.
2 The phone line may have too much noise. If the user has a
second line, try that one. The user should contact the local
phone company and request the line be checked.
3 Check to make sure the TCP/IP system preference or control
panel is correctly configured for the user's internet service
provider. If it is not configured correctly, the modem may
connect but won’t be able to access any sites.
4 Sometimes internet service providers use different servers
for dial-up/authentication and for services. If one server is
down, users may be able to log in but not access any services.
Contact the internet service provider for help.