Troubleshooting General/ SDRAM DIMMs - 33
Power Mac G4 (all models except PCI Graphics)
Four slots on the Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet)
logic boards accept 64, 128, 256, or 512 MB DIMMs. Three slots
on the Power Mac G4 (Digital Audio/QuickSilver/QuickSilver
2002) board accept 64, 128, 256, or 512 MB DIMMs. Any 256
MB DIMMs must be 128 or 256 Mbit technology; 512 MB DIMMs
must be 256 Mbit technology.
Power Macintosh G4 (PCI Graphics)
Four slots on the Power Macintosh G4 (PCI Graphics) logic board
accept 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 MB DIMMs. Any 128 MB
DIMMs must be 64 or 128 Mbit technology; 256 MB DIMMs must
be 128 Mbit technology.