Troubleshooting Symptom Charts/ Modem - 65
There is a dial tone,
but the modem cannot
dial out
1 International only: Use the Modem Country Selector utility to
make sure the modem is set to the correct country.
2 Open the Modem system preference or control panel and
verify that the correct modem type is selected, the sound is
On, and the dialing is set to Tone. At this point, leave the
Ignore Dial Tone setting unselected.
3 Make sure the correct driver is installed and the correct CCL
is selected and that they are not corrupted. If necessary,
reinstall the driver and/or CCL.
4 Try another cable and phone jack.
5 Verify the modem settings with the internet service provider.
6 Open the Modem system preference or control panel and
select Ignore Dial Tone. (Note: Some voice mail systems use a
beeping dial tone to notify users of waiting messages, which
can affect the modem connection.)
7 If the problem persists, reinstall the system and modem