EDITION Chapter 3 • 77
Viewing Popular Highlights in a Book
If Popular Highlights are turned on, as you read a book, you can see what the Kindle
community thinks are the most interesting passages in that book. Those passages will
already be highlighted and will also display the total number of people who have
highlighted that passage.
Tip: If Popular Highlights are turned on, you can press the Return key to hide
or show the number of highlighters.
To view a list of all Popular Highlights in a book, follow these steps:
1. While reading the book, press the Menu button.
2. Use the 5-way to underline "View Popular Highlights" and press to select. A list of
the book's Popular Highlights appears. By default, the list is sorted by location. If
this option appears dimmed, make sure you enabled the Popular Highlights
feature in Settings. See "Displaying Popular Highlights in Your Books" for
instructions on enabling Popular Highlights. If Popular Highlights are enabled but
this option still appears dimmed, then the book has no Popular Highlights.
3. To sort the list by the most popular highlights, use the 5-way to underline the Sort
4. Use the 5-way to underline the Most P
opular sort option.
5. Press the 5-way to select Most Popular. The list immediately c
hanges to the new
sort order.
6. To close the Popular Highlights list, use the 5-way to underline "Close Popular
Highlights", and then press the 5-way to select it.
A book's Popular Highlights will change over time, and highlights that were once
popular may be displaced by other
s as readers continue to add or remove highlights
in the book. If there are certain passages in the book that you want to be able to refer
back to, then highlight those passages yourself.