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9.2 Managing Your Kindle on Amazon
The Manage Your Kindle page is a versatile online tool you can use to view and manage
your Kindle content, personal settings, and account information. It can be found at:
From this page, you can:
• register or deregister Kindle devices to your Amazon account.
• edit information such as your Kindle’s name and e-mail address.
• review the list of computers or other mobile devices registered to your Amazon
account, so you can automatically sync your library of Kindle books with your
computer or other devices such as iPhone.
• add an approved e-mail address that allows you and your contacts to send
personal documents (such as Word and picture files) to your Kindle wirelessly for
a small fee. To avoid spam, only contacts on your Kindle approved e-mail list are
authorized to send attachments to your Kindle.
• set the maximum charge allowed for a single personal document sent wirelessly
to your Kindle. Any personal document exceeding this charge will be sent to your
@free.kindle.com address and a notification will be sent to your Kindle.
• change your default 1-Click payment method for all Kindle transactions.
• change your home country, if you move to a different one.
• manage your active Kindle subscriptions.
• review your Kindle orders and individual charges.
• manage synchronization between devices. With synchronization on, a book will
open at the last page read, even on another device. It will also keep track of any
bookmarks, highlights, or notes that you add so you can see them on another