Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
“Special Metadata”. The former is of type “enum”; the latter, “string.” You can select one of
those new categories and retrieve search results from the Version Cue Server.
FIGURE 10 Project Search over Sample Custom Project
If you have the plug-in loaded, to see this dialog, navigate within the Adobe Bridge CS3 to
“Sample Custom Project” and execute Edit > Find once the root folders of the project are visi-
ble in the Content pane of Bridge.
To change the default search results that are returned by sample.customproject, you must do
the following:
1. Update the values within the existing .txt files in the samples.customproject/data folder, or
add new .txt files to the data folder.
2. Restart the Version Cue Server.
3. Run the search query again.
Figure 11 shows an illustration of returned chunked or paged result sets to Adobe Bridge CS3;
note how there are controls to allow the user to navigate through the result set pages. You can
customize the size of these result sets sent from Version Cue Server to the Version Cue client—
for instance, you can return sets of partial search results rather than the complete set in one
message— if you support paged result sets in your custom search controller. For a sample
plug-in for Version Cue Server that implemented this scheme, see sample.searchpaging.