Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
The following restrictions apply to asset syndication through drag-and-drop or copy/paste in
the user interface of Adobe Bridge CS3:
z Both source and target projects must be mounted before starting the drag-and-drop (or
copy/paste) operation.
z Both source and target projects must have authentication switched off; that is, no login
should be required for either project to complete the gesture.
z No conflict handling is implemented if an asset with the same name already exists in the
target project.
z De-syndication is not supported through the user interface; there is no explicit gesture to
de-syndicate an asset.
For More Information
See the following resources:
z VersionCueSDK IDE Help > Version Cue SDK Help > Samples Guide > CustomProject
z VersionCueSDK IDE Help > Version Cue SDK Help > Samples Guide > BasicCustom-
Customizing the Check-in Dialog: Metadata Capture and Enforcement
This feature provides the ability to extend and override the standard Adobe check-in dialog of
a Version Cue client with a customized check-in dialog; for instance, you may want to contrib-
ute your own check-in dialog when files are being added to a Version Cue project for the first
time, or every time a new version of a file is checked-in.
A customized check-in dialog can be seen if you are running Version Cue Server with the sam-
ple plug-in named sample.customdialog loaded, which is able to contribute resources to over-
ride the normal check-in dialog. General instructions on how to run samples are in Getting
Started with Adobe Version Cue CS3 Development (getting-started.pdf).
You can add assets en masse into Version Cue, using the ingest workflow; for instance, you can
drag-and-drop files from the desktop or from a folder in Adobe Bridge CS3 to a Version Cue
project, to add the files directly to the Version Cue Server without them being copied to the
local mount point of the project first. You have the opportunity to show a custom dialog when
adding files in this way, if you override the normal check-in dialog of Version Cue, as well as
when a new version of an existing file is being saved.
Figure 7 shows the dialog that is provided by sample.custommenu when adding files for the
first time to a Version Cue project. If you examine the JavaScript code supplied with this sam-
ple, which is sent from the Version Cue Server to the client when a user visits a project for the
first time, the code determines whether there is an existing version of the file on the Version
Cue Server using the client scripting interface (methods on the class VCVersion) and shows
one of two potential custom dialogs based on whether a file is just added or a new version of an
existing file.