Major Chips Description 2-69
Table 2-7 CL-PD6832 Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Description Pin No.
Pin No.
I/O Power
Battery Voltage Detect 1 / Status Change
/ Ring Indicate: In Memory Card Interface
mode, this input serves as the BVD1
(battery-dead status) input. In I/O Card
Interface mode, this input is the -STSCHG
input, which indicates to the CL-PD6832
that the card's internal status has changed.
If bit 7 of the Interrupt and General Control
register is set to ‘1’, this pin serves as the
ring indicate input for wakeup-on-ring
system power management support. In
CardBus mode, this pin is the CardBus
Status change used by the card to alert the
system to changes in READY, WP, and
118 192 I-PU 2 or 3
Voltage Sense 2: This pin is used in
conjunction with VS1 to determine the
operating voltage of the card. This pin is
internally pulled high to the voltage of the
+5V power pin under the combined control
of the external data write bits and the CD
pull up control bits. This pin connects to
PCMCIA socket pin 57.
104 179 I/O 1
Voltage Sense 1: This pin is used in
conjunction with VS2 to determine the
operating voltage of the card. This pin is
internally pulled high to the voltage of the
+5V power pin under the combined control
of the external data write bits and the CD
pull up control bits. This pin connects to
PCMCIA socket pin 43.
76 152 I/O 1
Connect these pins to the Vcc supply of the
socket (pins 17 and 51 of the respective
PCMCIA socket). These pins can be 0, 3.3,
or 5 V, depending on card presence, card
type, and system configuration. The socket
interface out puts (listed in this table, Table
2-2) will operate at the voltage applied to
these pins, independent of the voltage
applied to other CL-PD6832 pin groups.
98, 79,
, 160,