Major Chips Description 2-59
2.7 CL-PD6832: PCI-to-CardBus Host Adapter
The CL-PD6832 is a single-chip PC Card host adapter solution capable of controlling two fully
independent CardBus sockets. The chip is compliant with PC Card Standard, PCMCIA 2.1, and
JEDIA 4.1 and is optimized for use in notebook and handheld computers where reduced form factor
and low power consumption are critical design objectives.
The CL-PD6832 chip employs energy-efficient, mixed-voltage technology that can reduce system
power consumption. The chip also provides both Hardware and Software Suspend modes, which
stop the internal clock, and an automatic Low-Power Dynamic mode, which stops the clocks on PC
Card sockets and stops internal clock distribution, thus turning off much of the system power.
The CL-PD6832 allows easy translation of incoming memory commands to PC Card-16 I/O
commands for processors with memory commands only. The CL-PD6832 enables such processors
to use PC Card I/O devices with fully programmable windows. PC applications typically access PC
Cards through the socket/card-services software interface. To assure full compatibility with existing
socket/card-services software and PC-card applications, the register set in the CL-PD6832 is a
superset of the CL-PD6729 register set. The CL-PD6729 register set is accessible through either
the memory or the I/O space.
The chip provides fully buffered PC Card interfaces, meaning that no external logic is required for
buffering signals to/from the interface, and power consumption can be controlled by limiting signal
transitions on the PC Card bus.
2.7.1 Features
Single-chip CardBus host adapter
Direct connection to PCI bus and two Card sockets
Compliant with PCI 2.1, PC Card Standard, and JEDIA 4.1
CL-PD672X-compatible register set, ExCA(TM)-compatible
Programmable interrupt protocol: PCI, PC/PCI, External-Hardware, or PCI/Way interrupt
signalling modes
Serial interface to power control devices
Automatic Low-Power Dynamic mode for lowest power consumption
Programmable Suspend mode and hardware Suspend capability
Seven fully programmable memory or I/O windows per socket
Programmable CardBus timing up to 33 MHz
ATA disk interface support
Mixed-voltage operation (3.3/5.0V)
Supports low-voltage PC Card specification
Socket-to-socket transfer (bus master) capability
Programmable per-socket activity indication bits
Pin compatible with CL-PD6730