Major Chips Description 2-63
Table 2-7 CL-PD6832 Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Description Pin Number I/O Power
System Error: This output is pulsed by the CL-
PD6832 to indicate an address parity error.
34 O-
Parity: This pin is sampled the clock cycle after
completion of each corresponding address or
write data phase. For read operations this pin is
driven from the cycle after TRDY# is asserted
until the cycle after completion of each data
phase. It ensures even parity across AD[31:0]
and C/BE[3:0]#.
35 I/O 4
PCI Clock: This input provides timing for all
transactions on the PCI bus to and from the
CL-PD6832. All PCI bus interface signals
described in this table, except RST#, INTA#,
INTB#, INTC#, and INTD#, are sampled on the
rising edge of PCI_CLK; and all CL-PD6832
PCI bus interface timing parameters are
defined with respect to this edge. This input can
be operated at frequencies from 0 to 33 MHz.
Device Reset: This input is used to initialize all
registers and internal logic to their reset states
and place most CL-PD6832 pins in a high-
impedance state.
207 I
PCI Bus Interrupt A / ISA Interrupt Request
9: This output indicates a programmable
interrupt request generated from any of a
number of card actions. Although there is no
specific mapping requirement for connecting
interrupt lines from the CL-PD6832 to the
system, a common use is to connect this pin to
the PCI bus INTA# interrupt line and using PCI
Interrupt Signaling mode. In External-Hardware
Interrupt Signaling mode, this pin indicates
interrupt request IRQ9.
203 O-TS 4
Ring Indicate Output / PCI Bus Interrupt B /
ISA Interrupt Request 10: In PCI Interrupt
Signaling mode, this output can be used as an
interrupt output connected to the PCI bus
INTB# interrupt line. If Misc Control 2 register
bit 7 is ‘1’, as a ring indicate output from a
socket’s BVD1/-STSCHG/-RI input. In External-
Hardware Interrupt Signaling mode, this pin
indicates interrupt request IRQ10.
204 O-TS 4
Serial Interrupt Output / PCI Bus Interrupt C
/ Serial IRQ Load: In PCI Interrupt Signaling
mode, this output can be used as an interrupt
output connected to the PCI bus INTC#
interrupt line. In PC/PCI Serial Interrupt
Signaling mode, this pin is the serial interrupt
output, SOUT#. In External-Hardware Interrupt
Signaling mode, this pin is the load signal,
ISLD, used to load the serially transmitted
interrupt data into the external serial-to-parallel
205 I/O 4