ViewSonic VS12840 MP3 Player User Manual

22ViewSonic VMP52
How to get service:
1. Forinformationaboutreceivingserviceunderwarranty,contactViewSonicCustomerSupport(pleaserefer
2. To obtain warranted service, you will be required to provide (a) the original dated sales slip, (b) your name, (c)
your address, (d) a description of the problem, and (e) the serial number of the product.
3. TakeorshiptheproductfreightprepaidintheoriginalcontainertoanauthorizedViewSonicservicecenteror
4. ForadditionalinformationorthenameofthenearestViewSonicservicecenter,contactViewSonic.
Limitation of implied warranties:
There are no warranties, express or implied, which extend beyond the description contained herein including the
Exclusion of damages:
1. Damage to other property caused by any defects in the product, damages based upon inconvenience, loss
with business relationships, or other commercial loss, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
2. Any other damages, whether incidental, consequential or otherwise.
3. Any claim against the customer by any other party.
4.3: ViewSonic DMP Warranty DMP_LW01 Rev. 1A 06-04-08