ViewSonic VS12840 MP3 Player User Manual

21ViewSonic VMP52
Limited Warranty
ViewSonic Digital Media Player
What the warranty covers:
the warranty period. If a product proves to be defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period,
may include remanufactured or refurbished parts or components.
How long the warranty is effective:
Who the warranty protects:
What the warranty does not cover:
1. Anyproductonwhichtheserialnumberhasbeendefaced,modiedorremoved.
2. Damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from:
a. Accident,misuse,neglect,re,water,lightning,orotheractsofnature,unauthorizedproduct
b. RepairorattemptedrepairbyanyonenotauthorizedbyViewSonic.
c. Causesexternaltotheproduct,suchaselectricpoweructuationsorfailure.
d. UseofsuppliesorpartsnotmeetingViewSonic’sspecications.
e. Normal wear and tear.
f. Any other cause which does not relate to a product defect.
3. Anyproductexhibitingaconditioncommonlyknownas“imageburn-in”whichresultswhenastaticimageis
displayed on the product for an extended period of time.