
6 Videos
Transfer videos to the player
You can transfer videos to the player in two
Transfer through Philips Media
With the video converter software,
you can convert videos to the le
type that is supported on the player,
and transfer the converted les to the
Drag and drop video les (.AMV les)
in Windows Explorer.
By doing so, you can organize your
video collection by le folder.
Install Philips Media Converter
1 Connect VIBE to a PC.
2 On the PC, select My Computer
(Windows XP / Windows 2000) /
Computer (Windows Vista / Windows 7
/ 8).
3 Click the Philips GoGear VIBE icon.
Double-click the PMCsetup.exe.
4 Follow the onscreen instructions to
complete the installation of the software.
You can also get the Philips Media Converter software
from www.philips.com/support.
Use Philips Media Converter
1 On your PC, launch Philips Media
2 Connect the player to the PC by using the
USB cable.
Wait until the player is recognized by
Philips Media Converter.
3 In Philips Media Converter, add videos
from your PC library:
Click .
» The video is added to the list of
les for conversion and transfer.
To remove a video from the list of les,
click .
4 In Philips Media Converter, start the le
conversion and transfer:
Click .
Find videos on the player
Go to .
» Videos are listed by le name in
alphabetical order.