Optional setup
In the optional setup procedure you can customize your Media Center.The setup wizard enables you to:
– configure tuners,TV signal, and TV program guide information;
– select and adjust Media Center display settings;
– setup of speakers;
– control of your set-top box.
Configure tuners,TV signal and Guide
This option enables you to configure your connections for TV and radio signals.
1 Confirm your region.
2 Select the type of TV signal (Europe - PAL/SECAM).
3 Make your selection for a set-top box.
4 a If you have a set-top box:
• Select both tuners by checking both checkboxes.
• Make sure that your set-top box and IR receiver cable are connected properly (see ‘Installation of your Philips Media
Center – Connecting video equipment (e.g. a set-top box).
• Select a TV signal.
b If you do not have a set-top box:
• Select both tuners by checking both checkboxes.
5 Setup Electronic Television Program Guide.
• Read the Guide Terms of Service and accept.
• Enter your postal code.
• Select your TV signal provider
> Your Media Center uses the internet connection to download all TV station information from your TV signal provider. Every avai-
lable TV station is stored as a separate preset number.
Optimize how the Media Center looks on your display
This option enables you to adjust display settings.
1 Select your display type.
2 Select the connection type of your display.
Note: If you are using the SCART output (21) of the Media Center, select Component (YpbPr).
3 Adjust display settings to your personal preferences in Display Calibration.
Note: If you select a wrong display setting the screen may turn black. Please wait for about 15 seconds, then the on-screen infor-
mation will be be visible again.
Setup your speakers
This option enables you to specify and test your speaker configuration.
• Always select the 2 speakers option since the Media Center offers analog stereo output only.
If you are using the digital audio connection:
After finishing the Media Center setup wizard, follow the instructions below:
1 Press the key (8) on the remote control.
> The Media Center Start menu appears.
2 Select More Programs and press the OK key (9)
3 Select DVD Settings and press the OK key (9)
4 Select Audio Settings and press the OK key (9)
5 Select SPDIF and press the OK key (9)
6 Select Save and press the OK key (9)
> After finishing the Optional Setup procedure, the Media Center’s Start screen is displayed and your Philips Media Center is
ready for use.
Note: S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) is a standard audio transfer file format, usually found on digital audio equipment or audio
processing devices. It allows the transfer of audio from one file to another without the conversion to and from an analog format,
which could degrade the signal quality.
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