Perle Systems 5500174-11 MP3 Player Accessories User Manual

Page 18
Chapter 2 Installing drivers and host cards
General setup procedure for Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista
The general procedure for installing SPEED LE cards under the Windows 2000, XP, Server
2003, or Vista operating systems is as follows;
1. Install any SPEED LE cards and cables or connector boxes you require into your system.
Installing host cards and cable accessories on page 28.
2. Install the SPEED LE device driver software. See Installing device drivers and utilities
onto your system on page 19.
3. If you add new SPEED LE cards, you should run Update Driver to make sure the new
cards have the latest driver. See
Adding additional cards and/or updating drivers on
page 21.
4. If required, remove any host cards you want from your system. See Removing host
cards on page 31.
5. Using the Windows Device Manager, configure the serial ports you have added to the
system. See
Configuring serial ports on page 22.