Using WMP9 or WMP10 to record music
Select [start] → [All Programs] → [Accessories] → [Entertainment] →
[Windows Media Player]. (The displays given here are one example.)
• The music is recorded from the computer onto the unit.
• Only data selected on the “Items to Copy” list will be transferred.
When WMP9 is used, select the MEDIA folder as the transfer destination.
For WMP10:
1. Select [Tools] → [Options] → [Devices] → “Removable Disk (x:)”
or “Panasonic Audio Player”.
2. Click [Properties] to display “Removable Disk (x:) Properties” or
“Panasonic Audio Player Properties”.
3. Check the “Create folder hierarchy on device” check box on the
“Synchronize” tab to turn this setting on.
(Once performed, this procedure is stored in the memory and so
need not be performed again in the future.)
• The recorded tracks are saved in the unit’s MEDIA folder.
• When music has been recorded using WMP10, the Music folder will be created
automatically in the unit’s MEDIA folder, and the track files will be stored.
• When tracks downloaded from the subscription type music distribution service
are to be recorded in the unit, use the synchronizing function of the WMP10 to
transfer the tracks to the unit.
Subscription type music distribution service:
A music distribution service which enables tracks to be downloaded on a time-
restricted basis
For further details, go to the website of the music distribution service.
■ Do not connect or disconnect the USB cable while
“ACCESS” on the unit’s display
• Otherwise, the music data may be destroyed and problems may be
caused with the computer.
• Trouble may also develop in the unit.
Select "Items to Copy" and "Removable Disk" or
"Panasonic Audio Player" for the "Items on Device."
WMP9: Click [Copy to CD or Device].
WMP10: Click [Sync].
WMP9: Click [Copy].
WMP10: Click [Start Sync].
MP010_020_P_1.indd 15 2006/03/06 14:25:30