Recording music CDs on your computer
An example of how to record music CDs is given below using Windows
Media Player (hereafter abbreviated to “WMP”) Version 9 (“WMP9”) or
10 (“WMP10”).
Select [start] → [All Programs] → [Accessories] → [Entertainment]
→ [Windows Media Player]. (The displays given here are
examples of what may appear.)
● When WMP is started up for the first time
The WMP setup (installation) screen appears. Follow the on-
screen instructions.
1. WMP9: Select the [Copy from CD].
WMP10: Select the [Rip].
2. Select the tracks to be recorded.
3. WMP9: Select the [Copy Music].
WMP10: Select the [Rip Music].
Recording now starts.
WMP10 screen
1. On the [Tools] menu, click [Options…]. (If the [Tools] menu does
not appear, click [ ] at the top right.)
2. WMP9: Select the [Copy Music] tab.
WMP10: Select the [Rip Music] tab.
3. Click to clear the “Copy protect music” check box.
4. Click [OK].
Your attention is drawn to the fact that recording pre-recorded tapes or discs or
other published or broadcast material may infringe copyright laws.
Insert the music CD into your computer, and start
Select the tracks and record them.
Before recording music, set the content protection of
WMP to disabled.
MP010_020_P_1.indd 12 2006/03/06 14:25:28