
z Connect to the PC and download audi o file s
T his player is plug & pl ay for WIN 2000/XP/ME/Vista O S. You don’t need t o install the driv er.
But for Windows98/SE, you a re required t o inst all a driver b efore connection. To connect it
with PC for transferring files:
(1) Plug the at t ached USB cabl e t o the PC, and connect the ot her end to the playe r.
(2) When t he
icon appear at the right bottom of the PC screen, it m eans t he
connection is succe ssful .
(3) When you open “My Com put er”, you w ill see a removabl e disk w hich represents the
player . Now you can use the rem ovabl e disk as a normal local disk drive, copying
audio files from or to the removable disk.
z Rem ovi ng the pl ayer safely from the PC
For Windows2000/XP/Vista:
 Left click the
icon at the right hand corner of t he taskbar .
 Click the pop-up m ini-w indow with m essage of “Stop the U SB M ass St orage Device –
Driver (X)”.
 When you are prom pted to remove t he device, pul l on t he pl ayer .
For Win98, please m ake s ure the data transfer is compl et ed before unplugging the M P3
player .