23. MUSIC VOLUME UP/ON button -
always active. This button is used to
increase the audio level (volume) of the selected source (FM, AM, AUX, or TAPE)
which is sent to all the speakers.
The MUSIC VOLUME UP/ON button can also be used to turn the MC602 ON if it is
OFF. To turn the MC602 ON, momentarily press the MUSIC VOLUME UP/ON button.
24. MUSIC VOLUME DOWN/OFF button - active only when the MC602 is
ON. This button is used to decrease the audio level (volume) of the selected source
(FM, AM, AUX, or TAPE) which is sent to all the speakers.
The MUSIC VOLUME DOWN/OFF button can also be used to turn the MC602 OFF.
To turn the MC602 OFF, press the MUSIC VOLUME DOWN/OFF button after the
volume has decreased to its minimum level.
23 & 24. SCAN - active only when the MC602 is ON. This function is used to
change memories and/or sources. Momentarily pressing both the MUSIC VOLUME
UP and DOWN buttons at the same time will execute the SCAN function. The way
that the SCAN function works is dependant on the configuration of the two jumpers P1
and P2 behind the face panel on the master that were set when the MC602 was
installed. The factory default mode of operation is described here. Appendix B
describes the other modes and how to change modes.
If the MC602 has the FM or AM source selected, the SCAN function will step through
the 8 memory presets of the source that is selected then advance to the next source.
The SCAN function will step from AUX to TAPE and from TAPE to FM (preset A1).
For example, if the current source is FM and preset B4 is tuned in, executing the
SCAN will tune in preset A1 in the AM band. Executing SCAN again will tune in
preset A2 in the AM band. If the MC602 has the TAPE source selected, executing the
SCAN function will change the source to FM and tune in preset A1. Executing SCAN
again will turn in preset A2 in the FM band.
23 & 24. OPTIONAL DOOR RELEASE - always active. If the system is set up
to use the Door/Gate release function, the VOLUME UP button and VOLUME DOWN
button are used to open the Entry Door or Gate. The Door/Gate release is activated
by pushing both the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN buttons at the same time
and holding them for 4 seconds.
the system is connected with a HOME AUTOMATION system the VOLUME UP button
and VOLUME DOWN button are used to activate (turn on) the automated function.
The function is turned on by pushing both the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN
buttons at the same time and holding them for 4 seconds.
23 & 24. OPTIONAL SECURITY INTERFACE - always active. If the system is
connected with a SECURITY system the VOLUME UP button and VOLUME DOWN
button are used to activate the panic alarm. The panic alarm is turned on by pushing
both the VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN buttons at the same time and holding
them for 4 seconds.