There are four positions for each of these switches.
INTERCOM - A speaker with its switch set in the INTERCOM position will
hear all intercom communications (including the chime, if
used), but will not hear the audio sources (FM, AM, AUX,
and TAPE).
RADIO-INT A speaker with its switch set in the RADIO-INT position will
hear the audio sources (FM, AM, AUX, and TAPE) as well
as all intercom communications (including the chime, if
OFF A speaker with its switch set in the OFF position will not
hear anything.
Note: If one of the indoor rooms (master - 9) are turned off, that speaker can
still be used to talk to other rooms or listen to other rooms when its talk and
listen buttons are pressed. However, when the patio is turned off, it is
disconnected from the master and can not be used to talk from, listen to, or
anything else.
MONITOR A speaker with its switch set in the MONITOR position will
not hear anything, but the speaker will be used as a
microphone. Any sounds that this microphone picks up will
be added to the selected source and heard from any
speaker that is in the RADIO-INT position. The MONITOR
position can be used to listen to (monitor) a baby's or
elderly person's room..
NOTE: The sounds from the MONITORED room will be added to the
selected source--means that if you are listening to the FM radio in the Living
room and the baby starts crying in the MONITORED baby's room, the baby's
crying will be combined with the FM radio and you will hear both at the same
To listen only to the MONITORED room, simply turn the MC602 off with the
POWER button.
The MC602 is normally configured so that intercom communications, including the
door chime, will not be heard from the speaker being monitored. However as we
understand that each customer and installation is unique, the MC602 can be
configured with monitor override when it is installed. If the MC602 is configured with
monitor override, all intercom communications, including the door chime, will be heard
from the speaker being monitored. See Appendix A for details on changing the
monitor override configuration.
Your MC602 may be equipped with either a 3-note or an 8-note Door Chime. This
optional chime rings through the Master speaker or any room speaker and mutes the
radio when the doorbell button is pressed.
IMPORTANT: At least one speaker (Master or Room Speaker) must be in the
RADIO-INT or INT position for the Door Chime to function. The volume of the chime
is controlled at each speaker with the speaker volume CONTROL.
To make your MC602 easier to use, you should label the INTERCOM SELECTOR
SWITCHES. Remove the door that covers the switches by pulling it straight out. Turn
the radio ON but move all the INTERCOM SELECTOR SWITCHES to OFF. Move
one switch at a time to RADIO-INT to determine the location it controls. On the back
of the door, write with pen or pencil in the corresponding box, which room each switch