backlight settings and turn off the backlight. Turn off the unit by
pressing and holding the
POWER key for 3 seconds.
Using the Touch Screen
At the beginning of Sec. 2 we gave detailed instructions on how to in-
teract with the iWAY's touch screen. If you skipped Sec. 2, you might
want to turn back to the heading "Using the Touch Screen" for some
handy tips. Otherwise, remember that all menus and dialogs can be
closed by pressing on the "X" icon in the menu's top right corner.
The Music Mode Display and On-Screen Commands
The Music Mode screen contains a large central area for visualization
effects, with a set of play control buttons along the bottom of the screen.
When a song or play list is playing, the name of the current song will
appear at the top of the screen, as well as the song's length and its
quality (in kbps).
To switch to Music Mode from Map Mode, press the
MAP/MUSIC button.
The Music Mode display is designed to be simple. The following image
shows the Music Mode in action, with a song playing and the various
play control buttons visible along the bottom of the screen. Using only
these buttons and the simple Music Menu, you can listen to what you
want, when you want.
Music Mode display, with all the on-screen command buttons shown.
Most of the music player's commands are available right on-screen. The
most important tools are the play control buttons at the bottom of the
screen, but you can also touch anywhere in the Now Playing box at the
top of the screen to choose a new song or play list.