JBL EVO1.324 Portable Speaker User Manual

Aiming EVO
Once the optimum height of the EVO loudspeaker has been
identified it needs to be aimed to achieve the desired
coverage area. The point at which to aim is derived from a
simple height-to-depth aiming ratio of 1:2. For example, if
the EVOi.324 is installed at a height of 10, it will throw
to a distance 30 away provided it is aimed to a point 20
away. Refer to Table 1 and Figure 11 on page 9.
Maximum Performance Guideline
You may have noted from Table 1 that the guide does not
provide figures above a 40 installation height. Above a
height of 40 the useful throw and optimized coverage area
will not grow, in fact it will probably start to deteriorate
depending on the natural acoustics of the room.
The guidelines below can be used to determine the maxi-
mum performance achievable for a given loudspeaker
height above the listening area.
Program Maximum Maximum
Requirement Height Throw
Speech only 40 120
Speech + acoustic music 40 120
Amplified live music 20 60
Loud, playback music 20 60
Using More Than One Speaker
Stereo and Arrays
So far we have discussed the simplest sound reinforcement
system configuration, a single EVO loudspeaker. Most
applications will require the use of more than one
EVOi.324, either because a stereo Left Right effect is
required (see Figure 12)...
( on-axis)
-40° +40°
Figure 12 - Stereo Left Right Placement
Figure 13 - Mono Two Speaker Array
Figure 14 - Optimum Splay Angle
...or additional coverage is required (e.g. for a wider
listening area). In this case, two EVOi.324s could be
arrayed together as in Figure 13.
Figure 14 to the left shows the optimum Splay Angle of
60° for a combined optimum horizontal coverage of 140°.
Exactly the same guidelines that are used for one loud-
speaker can be used for more than one: the Throw Ratio
and Aiming Ratio.