Symptom-to-FRU Index
The Symptom-to-FRU Index lists error symptoms and
possible causes. The most likely cause is listed first.
Always begin with “General Checkout” on page 30. This
index can also be used to help you decide which FRUs to
have available when servicing a computer.
If you are unable to correct the problem using this index,
go to “Undetermined Problems” on page 49.
If you have both an error message and an
incorrect audio response, diagnose the error
message first.
Check all power supply voltages before you
replace the system board. (See “Power Systems
Checkout” on page 35.)
Beep Symptoms
Beeps symptoms are short tones or a series of short tones
separated by pauses (intervals without sound). See the
following examples.
Beep Symptom FRU/Action
CMOS write/read test in
progress or failure.
1. Run Setup
2. System Board
ROM BIOS check error.
1. System Board
Programmable interval timer
0 test in progress or failure.
1. System Board
DMA channel 0 address and
count register test in
progress or failure.
1. System Board
DMA page register
write/read in progress or
1. System Board
RAM refresh verification test
in progress or failure.
1. System Board
First 64K RAM chip or data
line failure, multi-bit.
1. RAM Memory Board
2. System Board
Parity failure first 64K RAM.
1. System Board
Fail-safe timer failure (only
used by EISA BIOS).
1. System Board
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