Press to hear the source
word or phrase pronounced.
Press to hear the target
word or phrase pronounced.
Note: For Chinese,
Japanese, Korean and
Russian a spelling of the
word using Roman letters is
also included.
✓ Viewing Alternate
If you enter a correct word
that is not in the word list, it
might be an alternate form of
a word. For example, “went”
is the past tense of the
English verb “go”. If you type
“went” and then press ,
the list of entries matching
“go” is displayed. Press or
to highlight the match you
want to see and then press
to see its entry. Press
to return to the translator
entry screen and then press
to clear the input box
and type a new word.
✓ Misspelling Words
If you enter a misspelled
word or a word not in this
translator, you see the
message “Near” followed by
a list of words similar to the
word you typed. Press or
to highlight the word you
want to see and then press
to see its entry. Press
to return to the translator
entry screen and then press
to clear the input box
and type a new word.
Translating Words Translating Words