Tuning In a Radio Station
Use the MODE control to select the AM or FM radio source.
Turn the TUNE control until the station frequency you want
shows in the display.
• Iftheradiosourceyouwantitalreadyselectedyoucanskip
and use the TUNE control to tune in a new station.
• Ifthestationyouselecthasbeenassignedtoastationpreset
the number is displayed.
Station Seek
Press the TUNEbutton.TheSolowillseekuptheradiobandforthenextreceivablestation.
Setting a Station Preset
Use the MODE control to select the AM or FM radio band
you want to use.
Use the TUNE control to tune in the station you want to
assign to a preset.
Press and hold the TUNE control. A tone will sound. The
preset number will light indicating the station has been
assigned to the preset.
In this example FM station 107.9 has been assigned to preset 16.
About Station Presets
The Solo has 20 station presets. The presets can be used to store either AM or FM stations. Because of the way
the Solo places stations in the presets you may want to plan how you store them. Here’s how it works. The
rst station you store goes into Preset 1. The second station goes into Preset 2 and so on, up to 20 stations. If
you remove a preset all the stations in presets above the one you removed, drop down a preset position. The
Preset # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
originally programmed stations FM 89.7 FM 90.9 FM 100.3 FM 104.9 AM 680 AM 850 AM 1030
after removing presets 2 and 6 FM 89.7 FM 100.3 FM 104.9 AM 680 AM 1030
It may be helpful to put the presets in some logical order. You could put the FM presets in order of ascending