Open up the iTunes program and choose the iPod icon
in the iTunes Source List.
Choose the options button.
Click on photos and then choose the synchronize
photos from
option. When the pop up menu appears,
choose the
iPhoto option.
You can now choose to copy all of your digital photos
to your iPod. Or you can choose to copy only certain
photos from your iPhoto albums.
Keep in mind that every time you connect your iPod to your
computer, the photos will be automatically transferred.
To transfer your digital photos from the Windows OS to
your iPod use the following steps:
To transfer using Windows, you will be using either the
“Photoshop Album” program or “Photoshop Elements”.
Open up the iTunes program. Select the iPod icon
from the iTunes Source List.
Click on the options button.
Click on the photos option and then choose the
synchronize photos from option.
Choose the photoshop album or photoshop elements
option from the menu.