
Cable Ties
In sert posts on ca ble ties into holes pro vided on the
han dle, holes may be in dif fer ent lo ca tions de pend -
ing on the model. See Fig ure 5.
Po si tion the ca ble to avoid all mov ing parts and se -
cure with the ca ble ties. Trim ex cess ends of ca ble
WARN ING: When at tach ing the con trol ca ble,
the ca ble must be routed to avoid con tact
with all sharp edges and hot sur faces to pre -
vent dam age to the ca ble, which will ren der
the con trol in op er a tive.
Starter Rope
With the spark plug wire dis con nected and
grounded, de press the blade con trol han dle and pull
the rope out of the en gine.
Place the rope guide around the starter han dle, so
the open ing in the rope guide is to ward the front of
the mower as shown. In sert the rope guide into the
right side of the han dle.
Se cure with small wing nut. See Fig ure 6.
NOTE: If the starter rope be comes dis con nected
from rope guide on han dle, dis con nect and
ground the spark plug wire. De press the blade
con trol han dle and pull the starter rope out from
en gine slowly. Slip the starter rope into the rope
guide bolt on han dle.
Wheels (Front and Rear)
Us ing hard ware from hard ware pack, se cure the
wheels to the deck as shown in Fig ures 7 and 8.
In sert axle bolts through wheels, then place small
cupped wash ers on bolts (cupped side of wash ers
go against the deck).
Se cure the wheels to the deck with the large cupped
washer and nut (cupped side of wash ers go against
the deck).
Tighten axle bolt un til cupped wash ers flat ten.
Chute Deflector (See Figure 9)
The chute de flec tor on your mower may be held in
an up right po si tion by a block for ship ping pur poses
only. This ship ping block must be re moved and dis -
carded be fore the mower is put into op er a tion. See
Fig ure 9.
To re move the ship ping block, pull the spring-loaded
chute to ward the en gine. Re move the block and
care fully lower the chute into op er at ing po si tion,
keep ing fin gers out of the way.
Installing The Mulching Baffle (optional)
A. Lift the chute de flec tor on the mower. Slide the
notches in the bot tom of the mulch ing baf fle over
the lip of the dis charge open ing. See Fig ure 10.
B. Push the hooks on the top of the baf fle un til they
snap over the hinge on the dis charge chute. Re -
lease the chute de flec tor.
NOTE: When you wish to mow in stead of mulch,
sim ply raise the chute de flec tor, grasp the han dle
on the mulch ing baf fle and lift up ward to re move
the baf fle. It is not nec es sary to re move the
mulch ing blade.
Fig ure 6
Rope Guide
Small WingNut
Fig ure 8 - Rear Wheels
Axle Bolt
Small Cupped Washer
Large Cupped Washer
Hex Nut
Fig ure 7 - Front Wheels
Small Cupped Washer
Large Cupped Washer
Axle Bolt
Hex Nut
Fig ure 5
Cable Tie