
Gen eral Ser vice:
Never run an en gine in doors or in a poorly ven ti lated
area. En gine ex haust con tains car bon mon ox ide, an
odor less and deadly gas.
Be fore clean ing, re pair ing, or in spect ing, make cer -
tain the blade and all mov ing parts have stopped.
Dis con nect the spark plug wire and ground against
the en gine to pre vent un in tended start ing.
Check the blade and en gine mount ing bolts at fre -
quent in ter vals for proper tight ness. Also, vi su ally
in spect blade for dam age (e.g., bent, cracked, worn)
Re place blade with the orig i nal equip ment man u fac -
ture’s (O.E.M.) blade only, listed in this man ual. “Use
of parts which do not meet the orig i nal equip ment
spec i fi ca tions may lead to im proper per for mance
and com pro mise safety!”
Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap the
blade or wear gloves, and use ex tra cau tion when
ser vic ing them.
Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the
equip ment is in safe work ing con di tion.
Never tam per with safety de vices. Check their proper
op er a tion reg u larly.
Af ter strik ing a for eign ob ject, stop the en gine, dis -
con nect the spark plug wire and ground against the
en gine. Thor oughly in spect the mower for any dam -
age. Re pair the dam age be fore start ing and
op er at ing the mower.
Never at tempt to make a wheel or cut ting height ad -
just ment while the en gine is run ning.
Grass catcher com po nents, dis charge cover, and
trail shield are sub ject to wear and dam age which
could ex pose mov ing parts or al low ob jects to be
thrown. For safety pro tec tion, fre quently check com -
po nents and re place im me di ately with orig i nal
equip ment man u fac turer’s (O.E.M.) parts only, listed
in this man ual. “Use of parts which do not meet the
orig i nal equip ment spec i fi ca tions may lead to im -
proper per for mance and com pro mise safety!
Do not change the en gine gov er nor set ting or
overspeed the en gine. The gov er nor con trols the
max i mum safe op er at ing speed of the en gine.
Main tain or re place safety la bels, as nec es sary.
Ob serve proper dis posal laws and reg u la tions. Im -
proper dis posal of flu ids and ma te ri als can harm the
en vi ron ment.
Your Re spon si bil ity
Re strict the use of this power ma chine to per sons
who read, un der stand and fol low the warn ings and
in struc tions in this man ual and on the ma chine.