Items Supplied...
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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2. Items Supplied...
Please check that your Xerox FS 5250 kit is complete. The complete
contents of the kit consists of the following items:
• Xerox FS 5250 box
• Wall plug power supply
• Parallel printer cable
• Auto-terminating twinax T-cable
• Xerox FS 5250 /Xerox FS 5250 IPC, User's Guide,
Document no. D60262 (electronic format)
• Xerox FS 5250 /Xerox FS 5250 IPC, Quick Guide,
Document no. D10262 (hardcopy format)
In addition the following accessories can be used:
• Printer cable, Centronics (Order no. 999023 030)
• Serial input cable (Order no. 999010 030)
• Serial output cable has to be ordered for the specific printer you are
going to connect to. Please contact your i-data dealer for more details.
(See also Appendix A)
• Printer sharing cable, Centronics (Order no. 999022-030)
IPC Upgrade Kit
• IPC option (for upgrade) (Order no. 293011-001)