Selected FSL Functions
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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The paper size command has two parameters
. The first parameter (n1)
establishes the paper size to be used, the second (n2) tells the interface in
which tray the paper type is. If you use the n2 option together with an n1
option, you can connect one paper size to a specific paper tray. You send
the command as follows:
&&??% %Y12,<n1>[,n2]% &&??<space>
The command &&??% selects the character "%" as the escape character .
The escape character is a signal to the interface that the data stream
following is a command stream. The last command in the above line (&&??
<space>) erases the temporary escape character again.
The %Y12 command tells the printer which paper size to use. You have the
following options for the n1 parameter:
Value Paper Size XES PCL
1 A4 x x
2 Legal x x
3 Letter x x
4 Executive x x
5 Letter (Monarch) x x
6 Business x x
7 International DL x x
8 International C5 x x
10 A3 x x
11 US Ledger x x
99 Use system SPPS or
SHF/SVS values
You do not have to enter an n2 value. If you do not do so, the n1 value will
be used for all trays. If you wish the n1 value only to be used for a specific
tray, you must enter one of the following values:
Value Paper Tray
1 Tractor
2 Tray 1
3 Tray 2
4 Manual Feed
5 Envelope Feed
6 Tray 3
7 Tray 4
The parts of the command that contains a specific instruction to the interface is a
parameter. The command 3 = Letter size paper is a parameter.