Alphabetical reference Commands and Queries Reference
POLEN enables the XMP 2600 to accept signed value parameters. When
enabled, the sign of VSET programmed values will control the output
polarity of the Power Module and voltage query replies will include a
negative sign when appropriate.
Syntax POLEN <int>
Parameters a value of “0” disables and a value of “1” enables
signed values.
Category Settings Type: Sequential
POLEN? return the current state of the Polarity Enable Flag. The result is a
decimal value in the range 0 to 1.
Syntax POLEN?
Parameters none
Category Settings Type: Sequential
POR program the XMP 2600 behavior at Power On (Power On Retain).
Syntax POR <int>
Parameters a value of “0” will cause the XMP 2600 to initialize
all Power Modules at Power On. A value of “1” will
cause the XMP 2600 to re-program all Power
Modules to the state they were at before power was
turned off.
Category System Type: Sequential
POR? return the value of the Power On Retain Flag.
Syntax POR?
Parameters none
Category System Type: Sequential
POWER? return the XMP 2600 delivered output power. The result is two
decimal values: the first being the power delivered by the master
mainframe Power Modules and the second being the total output
power of all the Power Modules.
Syntax POWER?
Parameters none
Category Read-back Type: Sequential
PRIM? return two decimal numbers, in the range 0 to 255. Each bit of the
reply represents a channel. A bit value of “1” means that the Power
Module is installed in the master mainframe (fed by the Primary). The
reply is a 16-bit value with its high order byte sent first.
Syntax PRIM?
Parameters none
Category System Type: Sequential
56 XMP 2600 Programming Manual rev. 1.1