Consumer Warranty
This radar/laser Whistler detector is warranted to the original
p u r chaser for a period of one year from the date of original
p u r chase against all defects in materials and workmanship.
This limited warranty is void if the unit is abused, modi-
fied, installed impro p e r l y, if the housing has been
removed, or if the serial number is missing. T h e r e are no
e x p r ess warranties covering this product other than those set
f o rth in this warr a n t y. All express or implied warranties for this
p r oduct are limited to one year. Whistler is not liable for
damages arising from the use, misuse, or operation of this
p ro d u c t .
Service Under Warranty
During the warranty period, defective units will be re p a i r ed or
replaced (with the same or a comparable model), at Whistler’s
option, without charge to the purchaser when re t u r ned pre-
paid, with dated proof of purchase to the address below. Units
re t u r ned without dated proof of purchase will be handled as
described in section “Service Out Of Wa rr a n t y.” Due to the
specialized equipment necessary for testing a radar/laser
re c e i v e r, there are no authorized service stations for Whistler
brand detectors other than the factory.
When re t u rning a unit for service under warr a n t y, please
follow these instru c t i o n s :
1. Ship the unit in the original carton or in a suitable sturdy
equivalent, fully insured, with return receipt requested, and
shipping charges prepaid to:
Whistler Repair Dept.
1201 North Dixieland Rd.
Rogers, AR. 72756
Other Speed Detection Systems
Several techniques other than radar or laser are used to
measure vehicle speeds. When these methods are being
used, no detector can provide a warning. These techniques
• Pacing - A patrol car drives behind you and matches your
driving speed.
• Vascar/Aircraft - The time it takes a vehicle to travel a
known distance is measured.
Radar Detector Detectors (VG-2)
The Interceptor VG-2, or simply VG-2, is a microwave receiv-
er used by police to detect signals radiated by the local oscil-
lator of a radar detector. Because its purpose is to identify
persons driving with radar detectors, the VG-2 is known as a
“radar detector detector”.
The VG-2 is the primary tool used by the police to identify
radar detector equipped vehicles. If caught, in a state where
detectors are illegal, (see page 26), drivers risk losing their
radar detector and receiving a fine. In addition, instant-on
radar is almost always used in combination with a VG-2, leav-
ing unsuspecting motorists vulnerable to receiving two tick-
ets — one potentially for speeding, the other for possession
of a detector.
Having a radar detector capable of detecting the VG-2 may
alert you to the presence of a speed trap.