Speed Radar Audio/Visual Alerts
When X, K or Ka is detected the band ID and signal
strength is displayed. The audio alert is continuous and
has a geiger counter-like pattern. The faster the beep the
closer or stronger the radar source. Example:
1 = weak signal, 9 = strong signal
Pulse Protection
When a pulse type signal (instant on strong signal) is
detected an urgent 3 second audio warning is sounded
and the display reads:
After 3 seconds standard alert pattern continues.
In communities where transmitters are located, the Safety
Warning System displays over 60 text messages. When
Safety Radar is detected the audio alert is geiger counter-
Safety Warning System Text
Example: Poor Road Surface:
Note: Not all areas have Safety Warning System transmitters.
Visit safety warning system, web page at www.safetyradar.com for
SWS locations.
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