VG-2 Detection Mode (1730 only)
The VG-2, also known as a “radar detector detector,” is a
special receiver used by police to detect signals radiated
by a radar detector.
Press the VG-2 button once to engage, unit beeps once.
Pressing a second time cancels VG-2 detection mode, unit
beeps twice and the VG-2 LED is disengaged.
When a VG-2 signal is detected the P/VG-2 LED flashes
rapidly for 3 seconds and the VG-2 alert is sounded. After
the 3 seconds the audio is canceled and the P/VG-2 alert
LED flashes at a slower rate. This cycle is repeated if the
VG-2 signal is again detected.
During the period a VG-2 signal is detected, a radar signal
cannot be detected. However, because the VG-2 alert has
confirmed that a patrol car is nearby, you are already aware
of the potential for speed monitoring and can adjust your
speed accordingly. Laser detection is not affected while a
VG-2 signal is detected.
Note: VG-2 must be turned on to receive VG-2 Alerts.
Speed Radar Audio/Visual Alerts
When X, K or Ka is detected the band ID and signal
strength is displayed. The audio alert is continuous and
has a geiger counter-like pattern. The faster the beep the
closer or stronger the radar source. Example:
1 Alert LED = weak signal, 4 Alert LED’s = strong signal
Radar Band Identification (1730 only)
When the Whistler 1730 encounters traffic radar, the Radar
Band Indicators confirm the band detected by illuminating
one or both of the LEDs as follows:
X Band — Amber LED Only
K Band — Red LED Only
Ka Band — Amber And Red LEDs Illuminate
Laser Audio And Visual Alerts
If you are the targeted vehicle, a laser gun can often deter-
mine your speed within a few seconds after you receive an
a l e rt. In this situation there is generally no time to safely
adjust your speed. However, if you are traveling near or
behind the targeted vehicle and receive an alert, re s p o n s e
time should be sufficient. Any laser alert, re g a rdless of
duration, re q u i res immediate action! When your Whistler
detects a laser signal, the laser audio alert is sounded and
the four red LEDs (three red LEDs on 1710) illuminate fro m
right to left for as long as the signal is present, or for a
m i nimum of three seconds.
When the laser signal is no longer detected, the audio
w a rning ends, but the LEDs continue to flash slowly for three
seconds, indicating a laser encounter has just occurre d .
Model 1730
1710/1730 manual 10/19/01 3:57 PM Page 17