Your Whistler detector is expertly engineered and designed
to exacting quality standards to provide you with re l i a b l e ,
t ro u b l e - f ree operation. If your unit has been correctly installed
following the guidelines in this manual, but is not operating
o p t i m a l l y, please refer to the troubleshooting guide below.
PROBLEM: No display or audio.
• Check fuse in Whistler plug; replace if necessary with a
2 amp 3AG type.
• Check fuse for lighter socket; replace if necessary.
• Make sure lighter socket is clean.
PROBLEM: Unit alarms when vehicle hits bumps.
• Check for loose lighter socket; tighten and clean.
• Check connections at both ends of power cord. Substitute
another cord to determine if cord is defective. Return
defective cord to the factory.
PROBLEM: Unit alarms when using vehicle equipment,
electrical accessories (brakes, power mirrors/windows,
d i r ectionals, horn, etc.), or when accelerating.
• Ve h i c l e ’s electrical system, including battery and altern a t o r,
may have electrical noise. Install a filter capacitor (470mfd.
25 volt or larger capacitance value) on the back of the
lighter socket.
PROBLEM: Audio alerts are not loud enough.
• Cancel Auto Quiet Mode or City Mode.
PROBLEM: Unit gives laser alert when accelerating.
• Possible bad or low quality distributor cap. Replace with
f a c t o ry quality cap.
If difficulties occur which cannot be solved by information in
this Troubleshooting Guide, please call Whistler Consumer
Relations at 1-800-531-0004 before re t u rning your unit for
s e rv i c e .
In Most States YES!
Laser detectors are completely legal in every state when
used in automobiles or light trucks (under 10,000 lbs.).
Similarly, when used in automobiles or light trucks, radar
detectors are legal in almost every state. Exceptions are
Virginia and Washington, D.C., which have local regula-
tions restricting the use of radar receivers in any vehicle.
Concerning trucks over 10,000 lbs., the Federal Highway
Administration (FHwA) issued a regulation, eff e c t i v e
January, 1994 which prohibits radar and laser detector use
in these types of vehicles nationally.
Prior to the FHwA regulation, laws existed in the state of
New York restricting the use of radar detectors in trucks
over 18,000 lbs. and in the state of Illinois in trucks over
26,000 lbs.
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