The f ilter pre vent s lar ger remn ant s of food or ot her objects f rom get ting inside th e pu m.
The residues may block the filter, in this case they must be removed.
The filter system consi sts of a coarse filter,a flat (Main f ilter)
A n d a mi cro filter( F i ne fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trapped in this filter are pulverized by a
specia l jet on the l ower spr ay arm an d w ashe d d own t o d rain .
Larg er it ems, such as pi e c es of bo ne s or gl as s, t ha t c oul d b lock
the drain are trapped in the coarse filter. To remove the items
caugh t by the filter, ge ntly sque eze the tap on the top of this
filter and lift out.
This filter holds soil and food residues in the sump area and
prevents it from being redeposit on the dishes during wash cycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Filter assembly
The filter efficiently
For b est p erf orm ance and re sults, the f ilte r mu st b e cle aned re gular ly. t his reaso n, it i s a goo d ide a to
r emo ve th e la rger food par ticl es tr app ed in the filter aft er e ach was h cyc le b y rin sing t he sem icirc ular filte r an d
c up unde r ru nnin g wat er. To remo ve th e fil ter device , p ull th e c up ha ndle in the upwa rd d irect ion.
re mo ves f ood part icle s fro m th e wa sh w ater, all owin g it t o be rec ycle d d uring the cycl e.
T he dish was her m us t ne ver be used wi thout t he filt er s.
Imp ro per r epl ace ment of the f ilter may reduce the perform anc e lev el of the applian ce
and damage dishes and utensils.
St ep 1 Turn the filter in ant i-clockwis e d irection,
t hen lift it u p.
St ep 2 lift the Main filte r up:
Step 3 lift the Fine filter up:
When following this procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.