For be st perfo rma nce of t he dishwa sher, f oll ow the se loadi ng guideline s. Featur es and
appea rance of bask ets and cut ler y basket s ma y va ry from yo ur mod el.
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off an y la rge amou nts of le ftover foo d. Soft en r emnants of b urnt food in p ans .
It is not ne cessar y t o rinse the dis hes under ru nning wat er.
Plac e o bjects in the di shw asher in foll owing way:
1.Item s su ch as cups , glasses, pot s/pans, et c. a re faced downw ards.
2.Curved i tems, or ones w ith r ecesses, sho uld be l oaded as lant so that wate r can r un off.
3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not tip over.
4.All uten sils are pl ace d i n the wa y t ha t the spray ar ms can rotat e fr eely dur ing w ashi ng.
Very sma ll items shou ld not be washed in the dishw ash er as they coul d easily fal l ou t of t he b aske ts.
Bowl M Bow l L() ()
Glasse s
Dessert plate
Cup s
(Eg g )
Gravy ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The up per r ac k is desi g n ed to hol d m ore del icate a nd lighter d is hw are s uc h as glasses, c offe e
and tea cup and sauc ers, as well as pl ates , sm all bowls and sha llow pa ns (a s lo ng as t he y are
not too dirty) .
Po sition the dishes and cookw are so t hat t hey do not get move d by the spray of wate r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting the Upper Basket
Th e height o f the up per bask et can be adj usted in order to creat e mo re spa ce for lar ge u te nsils
both for the upper/lower basket. The height of the upper basket can be adjusted by placing the
wheels on di fferen t height of the r ails. Long item s, ser ving cu tlery, salad serve rs and kn ives
should be pl aced on the shel f so that they d o not o bstr uct t he rot ati on of the s pray arms.
Th e shelf ca n be fo ld ed back or be remove d w hen not requ ired f or us e.