Front Panel (D-5.5)
This switch is available for input channels 7 and 8 only and is active when a
turntable with magnetic type cartrige is connected to the Phono input channel.
The switch is a "push-in push-out" type. The "out" position provides a flat
frequency response.
Tape/Source Switch (TAPE/SOURCE)
This switch is provided for selecting the desired input signals. When monitoring
the signals from the XLR connector, phone jack and phono inputs, the switch
should be set to the "SOURCE" position. When the signal from the "Tape In"
input is desired, the switch should be set to the "TAPE" position.
Signal/Peak LED Indicator (SIG/PEAK)
The dual color LED indicator lights green when the pre or post EQ signal level
reaches more than -30dB, and turns red when the signal level reaches 3dB
below clipping, giving a visual reference for optimum setting of the trim control.
Input Level Selector (PAD)
The selector provides 30dB attenuation of the sensitivity of the XLR connector,
phone jack and phono inputs at the "30" position. The "0" position shows the
sensitivity indicated on the panel. The correct setting should be made according
to the output level of the equipment connected.
Input Trim Control (TRIM)
The trim control adjusts the gain of the preamp stage of the associated channel,
providing 30dB of gain control. When the trim control is set to the "0" position
with the input level selector at the "0" position, the nominal levels of the
associated inputs are as follows.
a. Mic input: -60dB
b. Tape input: -20dB
c. Phono input: -50dB (Input channels, 7 and 8 only)
The trim control and input level selector of each channel should be properly
adjusted so that the peak LED just begins to turn red from green or only flash red
occasionally. This will ensure lowest distortion level and optimum signal to
noise ratio.
High Equalizer Control (HIGH)
The high EQ control alters the high frequency response of the input channel,
providing ±10dB at 4kHz, and ±15dB at 20kHz of continuously variable active
shelving equalization. The "0" detented position provides flat audio response.
Mid Equalizer Center Frequency Control (MID FREQ)
This control alters the center frequency of the mid EQ control in the range from
200Hz to 5kHz.
Mid Equalizer Control (MID LEVEL)
This control alters the mid frequency response of the input channel, providing
±15dB at the center frequency of peaking equalization. The "0" detented
position provides flat audio response.
Low Equalizer Control (LOW)
The low EQ control provides ±10dB at 150Hz and ±15dB at 20Hz of
continuously variable active shelving equalization. The "0" detented position
provides flat audio response.
AUX 1 Control (AUX 1)
This control determines the level of the input signal to be fed to the aux 1 buss.
When in the center detent position the control is off, and no signal is assigned.
Rotating the control counter-clockwise increases the amount of pre-fader/post-
EQ signal assigned to the buss. Rotating the control clockwise increases the
amount of post-fader/post -EQ signal.
Note: "Pre-fader/post-EQ" can be changed to the pre-EQ signal with an internal
switch. (See page 19 for details.)
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