VBrick WM Appliance Admin Guide 99
Status: Reflector Status
Status: Reflector Status > General
The Reflector Status page displays status based on the selected source. If you select Push
as the Reflector Source on the Configuration: Reflector page, you will see "push"
information; if you select
Pull Receiver, you see the corresponding "pull" information.
Push Receive
Transmit State Transmitting/Not Transmitting.
IP Bytes Transferred Total IP Bytes Transferred since last Reset.
IP Packets Sent Total IP Packets Sent since last Reset.
Push Receiver Status
Pull Receiver Status
Indicates the current state of the reflector receiver.
means that the reflector is receiving a stream.
Receiver Source IP The address of the push source currently sending to this reflector.
Bytes Received Increments as data is successfully received.
Elapsed Time The duration of the currently active push receiver connection.
Success Count Increments each time a push sender initiates a new connection with
this push receiver.