VBrick WM Appliance Admin Guide 95
Status: Network Status > Routing
This screen lets you view the internal routing tables.
Extra Stream Count Number of unexpected video streams being received on this
Misdirect IP Address The IP Address of the appliance transmitting one of the extra
video streams received on this interface.
Orphan Count Not applicable (always 0) on WM models.
CBR Overbooked The reported overbooked condition for ATM circuits. Not
applicable on Ethernet models.
Destination Network Defines a target network (or device) that can be contacted via the
system. A value of, is used to indicate a default routing
entry. The is always present and identifies the loopback
Local Gateway IP Defines the intermediary network device (or entity) which is
responsible for IP forwarding to the given destination network
specified in the first column.
Network Mask Defines the destination network's address scope specified in the
first column. Mask bits which are zeros, identify the host portion
of the address space. Bits that are "ones" identify the network