Alphabetical Command Summary C-15
&S2 This option is for specialized equipment such as
automatic callback units. On loss of carrier, the modem
sends a pulsed DSR signal with Clear to Send (CTS)
following Carrier Detect (CD).
&S3 This is the same as &S2, but without the CTS following
&S4 The modem sends the computer a DSR signal at the same
time as it sends the Carrier Detect (CD).
&Tn Modem testing
&T0 End test
&T1 Initiate Analog Loopback (AL) testing
&T2 Reserved
&T3 Initiate Local Digital Loopback (LDL) testing
&T4 Grant Remote Digital Loopback (RDL)
&T5 Deny RDL
&T6 Initiate RDL testing
&T7 Initiate RDL with self test and error detection
&T8 Initiate AL with self test and error detection
&W Write the desired template to NVRAM, using the &W
&W0 Write to NVRAM template 0
&W1 Write to NVRAM template 1
&Xn Synchronous transmit clock timing signals setting. Determines
whether the modem or DTE will generate the timing signals.
&X0 The Courier is the source of the Transmit clock timing
signals and sends them to your DTE over the RS-232
interface. The DTE rate will follow the connection rates.