
Alphabetical Command Summary C-11
&Gn This setting applies only to overseas calls at 2400 or 1200 bps.
British phone switching systems require the modem to send an
1800 Hz guard tone after it sends an answer tone. Some other
European phone networks require a 550 Hz guard tone. Guard
tones are not used in the United States or Canada.
&G0 No guard tone. This is used in the U.S. and in Canada
&G1 This sets a 550 Hz guard tone, and is used in some
European countries.
&G2 This sets an 1800 Hz guard tone, and is used in the U.K.
and some Commonwealth countries. &G2 requires the
B0 setting.
&Hn Transmit data flow control is for data transmitted to the modem
by its attached computer or terminal. The modem monitors its
buffer as data comes from the computer or modem. If the
buffer approaches 90% capacity, the modem signals the
computer or terminal to stop transmitting. When the modem
has sent enough data over the link to half empty the buffer, it
signals the computer or terminal to resume transmitting.
&H0 Transmit Data flow control disabled.
&H1 Hardware flow control. Default. Requires that your
computer or terminal and software support Clear to Send
(CTS) at the RS-232 interface.
&H2 Software flow control. Requires that your software
support XON/XOFF signaling.
&H3 Use both hardware and software flow control. If you are
unsure about what your equipment supports, select this
&In Received data software flow control.
&I0 Disables XON/XOFF flow control of received data.
&I1 The Courier acts on your typed XON/XOFF commands,
Ctrl-S or Ctrl-Q, and passes them to the remote