WARNING: Always stop the engine and
disconnect the spark plug wire before
............ performing any maintenance work or
adjustments on your lawn mower.
and surrounding areas while the mower engine fs
hot because temperature of these areas of the
engine may exceed "150oF.
Lubrication(seeFigure 12 )
• Clean the underside of the mower deck after each
use to prevent any buf]d_up ef grass clippings. If this
debris fs al]ewed to accumulate, it will result in rust
and cerresien.
NOTE: We do not recommend the use of pressure
washers or garden hose to clean your unit. These may
cause damage to electric components, spindles,
pulleys, beatings or the engine. The use of water will
result in shortened fife and reduced serviceability.
• Disconnect spark plug wire.
• Drain the gasoline from the lawn mower, or place a
piece of plastic under the gas cap.
• Tilt the mower so that the side with the air cleaner is
facing up. Hold the mower firmly.
• Scrape and clean the underside of the deck with a
suitable tool. Do not spray with water.
• Put the mower back on its wheels. If you had put
plastic under the gas cap, remove it now.
WARNING: Never tip the mower more than
90 degrees in any direction and do not leave
............ the mower tipped for any length of time. Oil can
drain intothe upper part ofthe engine causing
a starting problem.
• Lubricate the wheels and bearings, if so equipped,
at least once a season with light oilor engine oil.
Also, it the wheels are removed for any reason,
lubricate the surface of the axle bolt and the inner
surface of the wheel with light oil
ChuteDeflecter& RearDischargeDoer
• Lubricate the torsien spring and the pivot point on
each end of the chute deflecter and the rear
discharge deer using a light oil. This wt]l prevent
rusting and ensure that the deflector, which is a
safety device, can always work properly.
• Follow the engine manual instructions and
recemmended schedule for lubricating engine
• Lubricate the pivot points on the blade control
handle, lower bail had]e, and the cuffing height
adjustment lever at least ence a season with light
oil. The blade centrel hand]e and the lower bat]
handle must eperate freely in both directtens. The
cutting height adjustment levers sheuld be able to
move easily.
A list of key maintenance jobs required for good
performance by the mower is given below. Follow the
accempanying engine manual for detailed list and
• Change engine eil after the first twe eperating
hours and every 25 eperating heurs thereafter.
Check oil level betere starting engine every time.
• Service foam tt]ter inthe air cleaner every 25 heurs
of use and replace the paper filter cempenent every
"100heurs. You may have to service the air filter
more frequently ityeu are eperating the mower
under extremely dusty conditions.
• Clean engine periodically with a cloth or brush.
• Clean the spark plug and reset the gap to.030" at
least ence a season er every 50 heurs ef operatten.
Spark plug replacement is recemmended at the
start of each seasen.
• Inspect muffler pertedical]y, and replace if
necessary. Damaged mufflers or spark arrestors
can create a fire hazard. Make sure te avoid muffler
Figure 12