
Chapter 5 Sequence of operations
Peer-to-peer communication
Tracer ZN521 zone controllers have the ability to share data with other
LonTalk-based controllers. Multiple controllers can be bound as peers,
using the Rover service tool, to share:
Zone temperature
Heating/cooling mode
Fan status
Unit capacity control
Shared data is communicated from one controller to any other controller
that is bound to it as a peer. Applications having more than one unit serv-
ing a single zone can benefit by using this feature; it allows multiple units
to share a single zone temperature sensor and prevents multiple units
from simultaneously heating and cooling.
Unit protection strategies
The following strategies are initiated when specific conditions exist in
order to protect the unit or building from damage:
Smart reset
Low-coil-temperature protection
Condensate overflow
Fan status
Fan off delay
Filter-maintenance timer
Freeze avoidance
Freeze protection (discharge air temperature low limit)