Timed override control
The fan will run as configured (continuous or cycling) for occupied mode.
The controller always uses the stored default setpoint values (config-
urable using the Rover service tool), regardless of hard-wired or commu-
nicated setpoint values. In addition, the outdoor air damper uses the
Economizer Occupied Standby Minimum Position setpoint to reduce the
ventilation rate.
Occupied bypass mode
The controller is placed in occupied bypass mode when the controller is
operating in the unoccupied mode and either the timed override
ON but-
ton on the Trane zone sensor is pressed or the controller receives a com-
municated occupied bypass signal from a BAS. In occupied bypass mode,
the controller maintains the zone temperature based on the occupied
heating or cooling setpoints. The fan will run as configured (continuous or
cycling). The outdoor air damper will close when the fan is off. The con-
troller will remain in occupied bypass mode until either the
ton is pressed on the Trane zone sensor or the occupied bypass time
(configurable using the Rover service tool) expires. The temperature set-
points can be local (hard-wired), communicated, or stored default values
(also configurable using the Rover service tool).
Timed override control
If the zone sensor has a timed override option (ON/CANCEL buttons), push-
ing the
ON button initiates a timed override on request. A timed override
on request changes the occupancy mode from unoccupied mode to occu-
pied bypass mode. In occupied bypass mode, the controller controls the
zone temperature based on the occupied heating or cooling setpoints. The
occupied bypass time, which resides in the Tracer ZN521 and defines the
duration of the override, is configurable from 0 to 240 minutes (default
value of 120 minutes). When the occupied bypass time expires, the unit
transitions from occupied bypass mode to unoccupied mode. Pushing the
CANCEL button cancels the timed override request. A timed override can-
cel request will end the timed override before the occupied bypass time
has expired and will transition the unit from occupied bypass mode to
unoccupied mode.
If the controller is in any mode other than unoccupied when the
ON but-
ton is pressed, the controller still starts the occupied bypass timer with-
out changing the mode to occupied bypass. If the controller is placed in
unoccupied mode before the occupied bypass timer expires, the controller
will be placed in occupied bypass mode and remain in that mode until
either the
CANCEL button is pressed on the Trane zone sensor or the occu-
pied bypass time expires.