50 LonTalk Communication Interface • ACC-SVN100A-EN
Network Variable and Configuration Property Definitions
Device Major Version, unsigned 8-bit, level 1
This configuration property displays the major version number for the software in the
device. It is read-only.
• Range: 0–254
• Default: N/A
• SCPT reference: SCPTdevMajVer (165)
Device Minor Version, unsigned 8-bit, level 1
This configuration property displays the minor version number for the software in the
device. It is read-only.
• Range: 0–254
• Default: N/A
• SCPT reference: SCPTdevMinVer (166)
Default Value for nviHeatSetpt, SNVT_temp_p, level 1
This configuration property sets the default Setpoint for the Leaving Chilled Water
Temperature (nviHeatSetpt) when in heating mode, unless the configuration property
nciDefaults = 1. When nciDefaults = 1, the UC800 controller ignores the BAS value and
chooses from other available setpoints (external or front panel) based on internal
arbitration rules.
• Range: Same as nviHeatSetpt
• Default: Invalid (0x7FFF)
• SCPT reference: SCPTheatSetpoint (78)
Minimum send time, SNVT_time_sec, level 1
This is the minimum period of time between any two network variable output
transmissions. It is only used by send on delta and is not used by the send on heartbeat
function. If nciMinOutTm = 0x7FFF (6,553.5 s), which is the not valid value, the controller
will use the default value of 2.5 s for the minimum send time. If nciMinOutTm = 0, there
is no minimum time requirement between transmissions. Transmissions will happen as
fast as possible (however send on delta still applies) when nciMinOutTm = 0.
• Range: 0–6, 553.4 s, 0 disables
• Default: 2.5 s (0x0019)
• SCPT reference: SCPTminSendTime (52)