ACC-SVN100A-EN • LonTalk Communication Interface 29
Network Variable and Configuration Property Definitions
Network Variable Output Definitions
The network variable output definitions are listed alphabetically by network variable.
Active base loading setpoint, SNVT_lev_percent
This variable indicates the value of the Base Loading Setpoint actively being used by the
chiller when in base loading mode of operation.
• Default: 0x7FFF = 163.835%
• Invalid value: 0x7FFF = 163.835%
Active chilled water or hot water setpoint, SNVT_temp_p
This variable indicates the value of the Active Chilled Water Setpoint or Active Hot Water
Setpoint actively being used by the chiller. The Active Hot Water Setpoint will be
displayed when in heat mode, otherwise the Active Chilled Water Setpoint will be
• Default: 0x7FFF = 327.67°C
• Invalid value: 0x7FFF = 327.67°C
Chiller object behavior in response to object request
Request code Chiller object behavior
normal Status of the object is sent.
update status Status of the object is sent.
report mask Send a mask of supported status bits.
clear status Status of the object is sent.
clear alarm Sends a command to the Chiller to clear all "remote reset"
diagnostics. Status of the object is then sent with alarm bit
NUL Ignore object request.
Node object behavior in response to object request
Request code Node object behavior
normal Status of the node object is sent. The status will be the same
as the chiller object since it is the only object in the device.
update status Status of the node object is sent. The status will be the same
as the chiller object since it is the only object in the device.
report mask Send a mask of supported status bits.
clear status Status of the node object is sent. The status will be the same
as the chiller object since it is the only object in the device.
clear alarm Sends a command to the chiller to clear all "remote reset"
diagnostics. Status of the object is then sent with alarm bit
NUL Ignore object request.