¾ Recipient E-mail Address: Type the recipient e-Mail address up to 64 characters. You can
specify up to three recipient E-mail addresses.
¾ Administrator E-mail Address: Type the Administrator e-Mail address up to 64 characters.
This address is used for reply mail and sending system messages from the SMTP server.
¾ Attached File Type: You can choose snapshot or video clip for alarm sending. Select
“Snapshot,” one snapshot will be transmitted to the administrator’s e-mail address while motion
detection / audio detection triggered. Select “Video Clip,” one 5-seconds video clip will be
¾ Subject: Type the subject/title of the e-Mail up to 64 characters. With respect to mail which is
sent according to the alarm detection when Alarm sending of the alarm tab is set to On, the
characters standing for the sensor type added to the subject.
¾ Message: Type the text of the E-mail up to 384 characters. (A line break is equivalent to 2
¾ Test: After setting the SMPT server information, you can tick the test key to test if the connection
between IP CAM and the SMPT server works.
8.2.2 Alarm Sending
Set to send the mail with connection to the alarm detection by the external sensor input or by the built-in
motion detection function.
Select On to send the image file to SMTP server linked with the alarm
¾ Alarm Sending: Select On to set to send mail with connection to the alarm detection.