¾ Notify Type: You can select the notify type among DHCP, Static IP, and PPPoE. When the
network settings related to the chosen notify type are changed, an e-mail notification will be
sent to inform you of the updated network information of the camera.
¾ SMTP Server Name: Type the SMTP server name up to 64 characters, or the IP address of
the SMTP server.
¾ SMTP Server Port: You can set port number from 1~65535 according to your mail server.
The default value is 25.
z SSL: It is Security setting. Checking SSL box if the mail server you use has security
If you use g-mail as your mail server, you should set 587 as your port number and check SSL box.
¾ Authentication: Select the authentication required when you send an email.
z Off: Select this if no authentication is necessary when an email is sent.
z On: If authentication is necessary when an e-mail is sent, there are SMPT, POP before
SMPT or both three options.
z SMTP: Select this if SMTP authentication is necessary when an e-mail is sent.
z POP before SMTP: Select this if POP before SMTP authentication is necessary when an
e-mail is sent. If this option is selected, the IP Notification page will be different as
following figure shown.