
the video data (the default value is 8090). You can specify an even number from 1024 to
65534. If you change the setting of Video / Audio Port Number, the setting of Video / Audio
Port Number (SSL) will change automatically.
B. Mobile View
¾ Viewer Authentication: If the viewer authentication is On, the users will be requested to type
in username and password when viewing through RTSP.
¾ Multicast Streaming (If it is ON)
z Multicast Address: Specify the multicast server address.
z Video / Audio Port: Specify the transmission port number of the video data, which is an
even number from 1024 to 65534. It is set to 10000 and 11000 by default.
z Time- to- Live: Set the maximum TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) that multicast can pass
¾ Image Size: Specify the image size when the network camera transmits. You can choose
among 320 x 240 and 160 x 120.
¾ Frame Rate: Set the frame rate of the MPEG4 image. You can choose values from 5, 10fps.
The unit “fps” stands for “frames sent per second”.
¾ Quality:
z Fixed Bitrate: Set the bitrate of MPEG4 image transmission for a line. You can select the
value from 256, 128, 64, 48, 32, 16 kbps.